From candy confetti to Joota Chupai, there are some weird yet fun wedding traditions around the world are these are our favorites:

Candy Confetti

One of the fascinating wedding traditions is Candy Confetti in Italian weddings! Guests shower the new couple with colorful candied almonds as they believe that five almonds bring health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and longevity.


Sneaking Out Your Reception

This can be one of the best wedding traditions! In Venezuela, it's good luck for the newlyweds to sneak off their wedding reception party before the end without being caught. That is like a wish coming true for couples with sore feet! It is also good luck for the guest who first realizes they are gone.


Mexican couples drape a lasso or Lazo of rosary beads and flowers around their shoulders in a figure of eight. Figure-eight or infinity symbol symbolizes the longevity of the marriage and the joining of the couple.


Kidnapping The Bride

In Romania, the bride is playfully kidnapped by her wedding guests and kept hostage until the groom pays a ransom in the form of alcohol or sometimes as little as a love song for his bride.

Throwing Rice For The Newlyweds

Throwing rice for the newlyweds is one of the wedding traditions in America. Historically, guests used to throw rice at the couples as they got into their well-decorated car to leave. Rice got gradually replaced with toss dried lavender, wave sparklers, bubbles as throwing rice became very messy and dangerous as well. This wedding tradition is supposed to keep away evil spirits and symbolize prosperity.



White Ceramic Bell

In Guatemala, the wedding party head back to the groom’s house where a white ceramic bell is filled with rice, flour, and other grains. It represents abundance and prosperity. The groom’s mum smashes the bell to shower the best wishes on the couple.

Joota Chupai

One of the most popular Indian wedding traditions is Joota Chupai. On the day of the wedding, the Indian bride’s female relative usually sister or cousin steals the groom’s shoes and demands ransom money for their return.


These beautiful wedding traditions are not just for the sake of fun but most of them have a history and a reason behind them. Hopefully, this blog would have made you aware of a few of the traditions that are unique and beautiful.